Prayer for Ephesians 4:19

“They became callous and gave themselves over to promiscuity for the practice of every kind of impurity with a desire for more and more.”

Praying through Ephesians 4:19

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your amazing goodness and grace, when You stooped down in Your mercy and kindness, to rescue me from eternal separation from You and from becoming ever more entrenched in the callous sensuality, impurity, and greed, that has saturated the sin nature of fallen humanity. Thank You that in Christ, I am part of a new creation and have passed from darkness to light. Thank You that I have been positioned in Christ and am seated together with Him in heavenly places. May I live and work to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

Source: Verse of the day for Ephesians 4:19