Heavenly Father, as I read through this thrilling episode, in the pre-salvation life of Paul, it is awesome to realise that he would be Your chosen vessel to bring the good news of the gospel of grace to the Gentiles. I thank You for arresting this man on that road to Damascus and commissioning him to preach the Word of life. Thank You for his epistles and the many truths that they contain. Help me to live as You would have me to live, and use me as a vessel to share the gospel of Christ with whomsoever You will. May I, like Paul, be bold to share this good news of salvation with others, knowing that the time is short and that soon and very soon, I will be taken to be with You in heaven. Thank You, in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Loving Heavenly Father, open my eyes to see more of the Lord Jesus as did the apostle Paul. I pray that everything I say and do may be done for Your glory. Increase my knowledge and understanding of Your will for my life, and may I be careful not to exchange the truth of God's Word for man's developed traditions. In Jesus’ name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Saul of Tarsus who was a man who recognised Who Christ truly was. I pray that if I have any false perceptions of Who You are or if I am going down the path of religiosity or self-righteousness, that You would identify my faults and bring me to a more intimate understanding of Who You are. I pray that I may always worship You in spirit and in truth. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I pray that I may know Christ and the power of His resurrected life working in me. I pray that You would give me the grace to participate in the fellowship of His suffering, knowing that in this world I will face trials and tribulations, dangers and maybe death, for His name's sake. Thank You that the sufferings of this world are but for a moment, and that by Your grace You have promised to perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish me in Christ Jesus my Saviour. To Him be all praise and glory, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the ministry of the apostle Paul and the many truths You saw fit to reveal through his ministry. May I, like Paul, have a receptive heart and a deep desire to pray fervently, preach enthusiastically, and forever lift Jesus up. May I proclaim to all that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, the Saviour of the whole world, the Son of Man, and Son of God Who takes away the sin of the world. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, it is my desire to do Your perfect will and submit my life to serving you in spirit and in truth. Forgive me for the times when I have tried to work the works of God in my own strength, instead of trusting Your Word and being guided by the Holy Spirit. I pray that you would build up Your Church in the fear of the Lord and with reverence for Your holy name. May all in Your Church know the comfort and strength of the Holy Spirit in their lives, as they grow in grace and mature in the faith for Your greater glory. In Jesus' name, AMEN.