Heavenly Father, thank You for this serious and important warning. I recognise how quickly I can be distracted from the truth of Your Word, enticed away into worldly pursuits, or rendered spiritually impotent by doctrines of demons. Keep me, I pray, and those that I love from the wiles of the enemy. Give us spiritual discernment and a determination to stand fast in the faith, to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I realise how important it is to have a thorough and correct understanding of the Word of God, for without it, I am vulnerable to apostate teachers and the wiles of the enemy who delights to shipwreck the faith of believers and render their lives powerless and unfruitful. Help me to be a vigilant student of Scripture, and give me discernment to detect any attacks of the enemy in my life or the lives of other believers. I pray for protection over vulnerable Christians who may be deceived by the hypocritical lies of apostate teachers, and I pray that in Your grace, You would raise up men who will stand firm on God’s Word and speak the truth in love. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that You have graciously allowed us to have access to the Word of God and the truth it contains. Give me wisdom to stand on the foundation of truth and not to be influenced by those that deny the eating of particular foods or restrict certain God-ordained institutions, like marriage and the family unit for unbiblical reasons - knowing that all good and perfect things come from You. For this, I give You grateful thanks and praise. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word and for the truth that it contains. Thank You that in the Scriptures, I have all that I need for clear teaching on salvation, justification, sanctification, propitiation, and many other important Christian doctrines. I pray that I may yearn for Your Word of truth as a baby craves for milk so that in Christ, I may grow in grace and mature in my Christian life and not be misled by false doctrines and unbiblical teachings, to Your honour and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word and the wisdom it contains. Help me to remember that physical discipline is only of little benefit, but that godliness is profitable for all things. Help me to walk in spirit and truth, grow in grace, mature in the faith, and seek after godliness, knowing that it is not only beneficial in this present life but provides eternal benefit in the life to come. I pray that You would give me the strength and courage to live a life of godliness and to trust in You for all things. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that I am saved by grace through trusting in Christ as the propitiation for my sins. Thank You that You loved the world so much that You gave Him to be the offering for the sins of all mankind. I pray that many may come to faith in Christ today and that You would give me opportunities to preach the Word of truth to all with whom I come in contact. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the wisdom and instruction that we gain from the pastoral epistles to Timothy and Titus. May I look to Jesus, day by day, and stand firm in the faith, holding fast to the truth of the glorious gospel of grace. Help me not to be offended by the actions or attitude of others towards me, but rather, may my speech and conduct be honouring to You, and may I serve You in faith and purity, to my life's end. Help me to be a godly example to those with whom I have to do, for Your holy name's sak, and greater glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word and the truths that it contains. I pray that I would read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest its truth so that I may conduct myself in a manner that is honouring to You and faithful to my position in Christ. Give me discernment to know the truth, and protect me from any teaching that has distorted the Word. This I pray in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Thank You, Father, for the Scriptures and all that they contain, for they are food for the weary soul, instructions for godly living, and wisdom from above. I pray that I may become absorbed with Your Word so that the beauty of Christ is formed in me. In Jesus' name, AMEN.