Search: "Battle" 1 result

Prayer To Be Strong In The Day Of Battle

Heavenly Father I pray for Your strength and courage – I pray that I would be strong in the day of battle. I pray that You would give me the strength and courage that only comes from You and You alone. I pray that like Joshua I would be strong and very courageous and not be afraid to face the enemies of my soul, nor be dismayed by the spiritual armies that encompass me round about.

I pray that You would break any stronghold of fear or doubt, shame or unbelief that weakens my walk and witness and that makes me so vulnerable to the wiles of Satan. Help me I pray to resist the devil and to take every thought, that starts to drag me down, captive.. and to hand it to You – for You have not given us the spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, self-discipline and a sound mind.

Lord I am aware that there are many forms of opposition – many strongholds that can keep our souls enslaved and captive and which prevent us from being strong in the Lord and in His mighty power in this evil day – but I pray that by Your grace and in the power of the Holy Spirit I would be strong in the day of battle and abide in Christ, Who is my Shield and Buckler, My Defence and my Defender – and in Whose name I pray,
