Prayer For Those Blinded By Satan

Thank You, Lord, that Your death paid the price for all my sins and that by Your death and resurrection You have broken the power of Satan, sin and death and there is nothing in heaven or earth or under the earth that is able to separate us from the love God, which is in Christ Jesus. Thank You, Lord, that there is no principality nor power which can nullify the almighty power of our almighty God, for greater is He that is indwelling us than he that is in the world.

Father, we pray for those that today are being blinded by Satan, who is the god of this world, and who seeks to hide the truth of the glorious gospel of grace from all those that are dead in their sins and perishing in a pit of unbelief. Open their eyes we pray. Open the minds of all those that have been deceived by the lies and deceit of the evil one and break the chains that are enslaving them we pray. And Lord, we also pray that they may be guided into a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for each one, so that they might be freed from this satanic entrapment.

Father, we know that the battle for the hearts and minds of humanity is the war that Satan is seeking to win. But Lord, we pray that You would open the eyes of those that are blinded by the lies and deceit of this world, to see Jesus. Shine the light of the glorious gospel into their enslaved hearts we pray, so that men and women may wake up from their slumbers and recognize the truth of the gospel, that Christ died to pay the price for their sins and rose to break the power of death in their lives, so that all who believe would not perish but have everlasting life. This we ask in the precious name of Jesus,
