Dear Heavenly Father, for most of my life I have tried to earn Your love and gain Your approval and whatever I tried to do, never made me feel that I had done enough. In fact, the more I tried to get You to love me, the more I found that I failed You miserably.
And as I look back on the mission trips, ministry activities, times of prayer and the many bible studies I attended, the more I believed that I must be disappointing to You, because I was not doing as much as I ought to do. Father, as I look back at this period of my life, is saddens me to realise what an incorrect perception I had of You and Your unconditional love to all Who are saved by grace, through faith in Christ Jesus.
Father, forgive me for misrepresenting Your Father-heart of love, and thank You for showing me that Your love for me is not dependent on what I can do for You but rests entirely on what the Lord Jesus did for me, on the cross. Thank You, that Your approval does not rely on me at all but simply rests on the fact that I believed on the Lord Jesus as my Saviour, and that I am accepted by You because of Him. Accepted in the Beloved because I am a new creation in Christ, clothed in His righteousness and without condemnation. All because of Jesus.
Father, thank You for this liberating truth. May I never again be drawn into wrong thinking about Your Father-heart of love and may I gain greater confidence and understanding of what my position in Christ truly means. This I ask in the precious name of my Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for me that I might be free from any condemnation and receive Your unconditional and everlasting love. Praise His holy name.