Dear Father God, in a world of uncertainty and pain, help me to keep looking to You for my needs, knowing that You are our “Jehovah Jirah”, the Lord, Our Provider. You are the one Who fed the Israelites in the wilderness with manna and quail, and You were the one Who satisfied the multitude with 5 barley loaves and two small fishes, and I trust in You Lord, to supply all my need and those of my family, for You are a faithful and caring God.
You have forgiven me of my sins and given me eternal life and my eternal cup of blessings truly runneth over. I thank and praise Your name for Your great abundance and provision.
And so Lord, in this world of uncertainty and pain, I look to You for all my needs knowing that You are my “Jehovah Jirah”, my Lord and my Provider. In Jesus' name,