For Trust In The Disappointments Of Life

Loving God, there are times when the burdens I carry and the disappointments that come my way seem too much to bear. Lord, my daily tasks seem to mount up with every passing week, and however much I manage to get done I never seem to do all that I ought to do. I find myself stressing out and worrying about all the things that I have left undone.

I know that this is not the way that the Christian life should be lived, and although I have heard people preach on living in a way that is pleasing to You, I never seem to manage to live that way myself. Lord, if I am honest I don’t really understand how to live a life that is pleasing to You, even though I have tried so very hard.

Help me to do what the Bible says, to cast all my burdens on You and to let You be my full sufficiency. When the disappointments in my life seem to be piling up all around me, help me to trust You with all my heart and not lean on my own understanding, or rely on myself. Help me to seek You first, knowing that all the other things will be added unto me. Help me to trust You instead of trusting in myself. 

Lord, You have promised to guide all Your children in all truth. Teach me Your truth of abiding in You and trusting in Your Word. I ask this in the name of Jesus,
