Heavenly Father, I lift up my brothers and sisters who are suffering in so many places of the world. Arise, Lord, and lift up Your hand. Hear the cries of Your people and send them swift deliverance. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the opportunity for us to once again examine our hearts during this lovely time of Advent, and the faith in Christ Jesus that we confess.
Keep our hearts aglow with love for Jesus, and help us to wonder more and more about amazing the grace that You have shown towards sinful man, in sending Your only begotten Son to come to earth, as a tiny human baby, so that He could bear the punishment for the sins of the whole world on His holy shoulders.
It never ceases to amaze us that Christ Jesus should set aside His heavenly glory and be conceived of the Holy Spirit by the virgin Mary, birthed into the human family as the promised Seed of the woman, and be worshipped as a tiny baby in a humble stable at Bethlehem, by simple shepherds and singing angels alike.
It was Love incarnate that visited the earth so many years ago, and that same love saved us from our sins, and came to dwell within the hearts of all that trust in Jesus as Saviour. Heavenly Father, accept our grateful sacrifice of praise, and may we come to know You more and love You better in the days that lie ahead. In Jesus' name we pray,