Prayer for Proverbs 5

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Praying through Proverbs 5:15

Heavenly Father, thank You for the many things I can learn from the amazing book of Proverbs. I realise from Solomon’s instruction to his son, the serious nature of sexual promiscuity and the terrible consequences of indulging in this ungodly activity. Help me maintain inner purity of heart and live a life of godly virtue that flees from every fragment of sensual allurement. Thank You for my own close personal relationships in marriage, family, and friendships. May my delight be to draw fresh water from my own well and never seek satisfaction from broken cisterns and the brackish water they contain. Help me to live a life that honours Your holy name. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN. 

“Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well.”
(Proverbs 5:15)
Source: Verse of the day for Proverbs 5:15