Prayer for Proverbs 31

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Prayers For Those That Are In Need

Dear God, I know that it is Your will to help those that are afflicted, to support the weak, to provide for the widows and orphans and to help those that are in need.

Use my hands to be of service to those in need, and use my voice to speak words of healing and encouragement to those that are afflicted and in distress. Thank You for hearing my prayer. In Jesus' name,


“Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.”
(Proverbs 31:9)
Category: Prayers for Healing

Praying through Proverbs 31:10

Loving Father, I praise and thank You that I am positioned in Christ and clothed with His righteousness. I pray that as I abide in You and You in me, I may willingly present myself as a living sacrifice unto You and allow Your Holy Spirit to conform me into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus more and more with each passing day so that when others look at me, they see Christ in me, the hope of glory. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

“Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.”
(Proverbs 31:10)
Source: Verse of the day for Proverbs 31:10

Praying through Proverbs 31:25

Loving Father, my heart rejoices in You, for You are the One that has forgiven my sin and clothed me in the righteousness of the Lord Jesus as a free gift of grace. As I look for that Blessed Hope to come, may I draw ever closer to the Lord Jesus today, so that His virtue and strength, goodness, grace, and love, are increasingly reflected through me to others, and may I ever sing praises to Your honour and glory. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN.

“Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.”
(Proverbs 31:25)
Source: Verse of the day for Proverbs 31:25

Praying through Proverbs 31:28

Heavenly Father, thank You that You have given us the tools to live a virtuous Christian life that honours Your name. May I seek to apply all that Scripture teaches on godly living so that I not only care for those closest to me and bless my fellow man, but also that Your name may be glorified through the life I live. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

“Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.”
(Proverbs 31:28)
Source: Verse of the day for Proverbs 31:28

Praying through Proverbs 31:30

Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, just as we read of the beautiful attributes that shine through the life of a virtuous woman or man of integrity, in the last chapter of the book of Proverbs, I pray that my life would become a reflection of the Lord Jesus. I pray that my self-life would remain nailed to the Cross and He would increase in my life as I decrease. Take away all those things in me that are not of you and mould me into the person You would have me to be. Lord, I want to be willing to be conformed into the beautiful likeness of Christ, and although this may at times be painful. Teach me YOUR way until I can say, "it is not I that live but Christ that lives in me." This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.

“Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.”
(Proverbs 31:30)
Source: Verse of the day for Proverbs 31:30