Prayers for Reconciliation

For Trust In A Special Relationship

Oh God, I come to You saddened in soul and with a heart that is breaking. You brought a special person into my life, for which I thank You Lord, and we were so happy together for a time. But for many reasons, including my jealous nature, things have gone sour between us and we have moved apart.

Lord, I confess to You that I acted in a way that was not appropriate and did not permit trust between us to develop and to grow as it should. Look down on us in pity I pray, and I ask that You would open up an opportunity for us to be properly reconciled so that we may build up our relationship together.

Lord, I know that so often when we make foolish mistakes, we have to take the responsibility for the outcome, which is not always the way that we would hope. But I do pray that our relationship is not finished, and that in Your grace You would restore again the joy of being together and the special love we had for each other.

Change Me Lord, remove this jealous streak that has caused me so many problems in my life, for I know that this is not from You Lord. Make me more like the Lord Jesus, not only in my actions but in my attitudes and emotions. May Your will be done in our lives and even if we do not get back together Lord, I pray that we may be reconciled, so that we may separate graciously and not in the current animosity. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Reconciliation For An Estranged Wife

Dear Father God, I am so distressed because my wife of many years has walked out on me, intending to carve out a future without me. Oh Lord, she is my wife and I love her so dearly, but we are now estranged from each other and my life is falling apart without her.

I need You Lord, to uphold me with Your gracious right hand and pray that in Your time and Your way, You would reconcile our differences and enable us to move forward with greater love and understanding than we had before.

Forgive me Lord, for the part that I played in causing this estrangement between us to develop, without recognising the signs that were happening. Lord, I was not the husband I could have been, of should have been, and though there were faults on both sides, I pray that You will help us to reconcile the difficulties between us, bring us back together and reunite us in love again. Lord, I pray that I may learn to love as You loved us, knowing that love suffers long, and thinks for the other. Help me Lord, to be the husband I should be. Bring us back into each other arms I pray.

Thank You, Lord, for hearing my prayer. 


Prayer To Return Into Fellowship With God

O God, be gracious to me and bless me and make the light of Your face shine on me and draw me back into Your loving arms. Lord, I have wandered far from You, and have been chasing after the things that are of little importance. In so doing I have left my First Love. I have wandered far from You Lord Jesus, I want to return into Your loving arms.

I have been remembering the beautiful fellowship we enjoyed together when I first was born again, and am coming to You Lord now, to confess my neglect, to admit my fault in wandering far from You, in order to experience a few paltry pleasures of the world. But they have left a bitter taste in my mouth and I long to rest in Your love once again, to breathe in the refreshing air of Your grace and to return into the loving arms of Jesus.

So be gracious to me Lord, and may the light of Your face shine on me once more. In Your grace, I come to You in humbleness of heart and pray that we may return into the sweet fellowship we once enjoyed. Thank You, Lord, that you are a God Whose greatest desire is to reconcile sinners back into Your loving arms. In Jesus' name,


Thanks For Reconciliation With God

I rejoice and thank You Father, that I have peace with You through our Lord Jesus Christ, and have wonderful access to Your amazing gift of grace, through simply believing on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank You, that although I was far away from You and wallowing in my sin and disobedience, I have been brought close to You Father, through the precious blood of my Jesus Christ my Saviour. It is a thing most wonderful to know that through the cross of Christ, the hostility that I had with You Lord, has been removed. I have been reconciled back to God, and have not only become a a citizen of heaven along with all who trust in Christ Jesus and have been made a member of God’s household, but also His beloved child and joint-heir with Christ Himself. There are no words sufficient for the thanks that I give You and pray that I may worship You for ever and ever.

I glorify Your wonderful name that there is now no condemnation, and that my reconciliation with God almighty is both permanent and eternal. For the wrath of God was poured out upon the innocent life of the Lord Jesus, Who took my place, so that I could be brought back into fellowship with You, and reconciled with God.

Praise Your wonderful name for ever and ever and ever,

Amen and Amen.

To Be Reconciled After Childish Behaviour

Lord, what a mess we have both caused in our relationship and though we are both to blame in one way or another, between us we have walked away from a special relationship that we both felt was brought about by Your grace.

Please Lord, visit my boyfriend and me. We are both miserable and we both are smarting from some of the unkind things that we said to each other. We have both acted childishly and unwisely and we need to face this difficulty soon, if we are ever going to be reconciled.

Lord, we both need to be forgiven and I certainly repent of my part in our break-up. I ask Your forgiveness and pray that You will teach me how to live in a manner that is pleasing to You and not to gratify my own desires.

Lord, whatever happens, in Your strength I pray that I will not play emotional ‘blackmail’ with another person. Keep me for childish stupidity and I pray that in Your grace You would bring us both to a point where we can be reconciled back to each other, having learned by our mistakes. Thank You Lord Jesus,


I want my boyfriend back and to get married to him

Prayed for 192 time. I Prayed For This
I want my boyfriend back, to love me more, to trust me, to be honest with me, to be more passionate, compassionate and gentler. I want us to get married and be better than we ever were no more lies deceit or cheating.
Received: August 20, 2015

Failed marriage

Prayed for 105 time. I Prayed For This
Dear father, with tears and a broken heart I pray that my marriage can be saved. We have become strangers in our home. I love my husband and pray for satan to be removed from within.
Received: August 19, 2015


Prayed for 93 time. I Prayed For This
I pray for restoration and reconciliation of my relationship with Pamela. The removal of roadblocks and resolution of issues that are standing in the way.
Received: August 14, 2015


Prayed for 122 time. I Prayed For This
I am sorry for what i did in my past. I love my family ,and want them back in my life. We both have signed divorce papers in the court. Now we are just waiting for our separation period ie 06 month to end.
Received: July 26, 2015

Salvation, reformation , restoration of marriage despite divorce

Prayed for 81 time. I Prayed For This
Father and Almighty God, You know my heart for my husband's salvation, reformation in each of us and restoration despite divorce. Most of all you know my desire for a ministry to emerge as a result of these blessings to bring you honor and glory. Your word confirms I am not in error in seeking these things. You have counted tears for four years and I have stayed out of your way as well as grown significantly in my own walk. I praise and thank you God for these and all blessings. Help me Father to continue to stand for the man I believe is lost and who needs to know your love. Use me God to show him forgiveness the like of which you forgave me. Hallelujah, thine the glory. Revive us for all to see and know your intentions for those who stand and intercede for prodigal spouses. Amen.
Received: July 11, 2014

Reconciliation with God and comfort of heart

Prayed for 27 time. I Prayed For This

Dear God please help me to give my life to you, Lord. After my mother passed away this summer I cant be happy, I cant find motivation to study or live. Please dear God, give me your Holy Spirit who is the Comforter. Send me your angels so that I may be wise in making decisions and guided towards you. I put my broken heart before you. In Jesus' name.

Received: October 19, 2013

For my Husband to come back soon

Prayed for 33 time. I Prayed For This

Oh GOD in the name of Jesus i pray that my husband will come home as soon as the blood of Jesus. Please protect him where ever he was .Let your love fill him, take away all his negative thoughts ,anger, and hatred against me, that he.may he forgive me with my bad habbits that causes him to go away Please LORD restore our relationships anew with YOUR unfailing love to us. i believe Lord that YOU will answer my prayer in the migthy name of JESUS,AMEN AND AMEN!

Received: October 18, 2013