Prayer for Nehemiah 2:12

“I got up at night and [took] a few men with me. I didn't tell anyone what my God had laid on my heart to do for Jerusalem. The only animal I took was the one I was riding.”

Praying through Nehemiah 2:12

Heavenly Father, what an encouragement to read how Nehemiah bathed all his concerns in prayer and was willing to be used by You to carry out Your will in his life. Give me the courage and discernment to combine humble intercession with purposeful planning. Give me clarity of thought when I am faced with difficulties and dangers, but keep me from straying from dependence on You (which honours Your name), to becoming self-dependence. Give me wisdom in the decisions I make, and may I always be ready to give an answer for the faith I have in You, for Your greater praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.

Source: Verse of the day for Nehemiah 2:12