Prayer for Job 5:18

“For He crushes but also binds up; He strikes, but His hands also heal.”

Praying through Job 5:18

Heavenly Father, as we face increasingly problematic circumstances in the world and in our own private lives, I pray that I will trust Your plan for my life. I know that when I am crushed You will always bind up my wounds, and when I have received many strikes, Your healing hand is ready to bring me forth as gold, for Your greater praise and glory. Thank You for the beautiful example of the Lord Jesus Who, when He suffered, did not threaten but committed Himself to the One Who judges justly. It is in His name I pray and for His greater glory, AMEN.

Source: Verse of the day for Job 5:18

Healing For A Friend In Pain

Heavenly Father, please look down with compassion on my friend who has been confined to a bed of sickness and is in such great physical pain. Send comfort and healing I pray, and in Your gracious kindness, please strengthen and heal whatever the problem is that has caused this illness in their body. In Jesus name I pray,


Category: Prayers for Healing