Heavenly Father, thank You that Your plans and purposes will never fail and that nothing happens in our lives that is not known or permitted by You, for our eternal benefit and to Your greater praise and glory. Until that great day when Jesus comes in the clouds to rescue the Church from the wrath that is to be poured out on a Christ-rejecting, sinful world, I pray that I may be salt and light to those whom You place in my path. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the lessons I can learn from the testimony and prophetic writings of Isaiah and other prophets of God who warn against disobedience and encourage us in our faith. May I open my ears to all that You have to say. Help me to stand fast on the Word of God, which gives life and health to the penitent sinner. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I pray that as I read through Your Word, You would teach me the many lessons that need to be learned, chief of which is that I must not put my trust in the wisdom of man but in the Word of Truth, the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You that in Him, I have life, and hope, and an inheritance in heaven. Give me discernment to do that which is right in Your eyes and eschew all that is evil. Thank You that the day is coming when the curse of death will be removed forever and Jesus will put all enemies under His feet. I pray that I may never be swayed by the deceptive words of worldly men or lying politicians, but look to Jesus, moment by moment, and trust in Him alone. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.