Prayer for Hebrews 12:26

“His voice shook the earth at that time, but now He has promised, Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also heaven.”

Praying through Hebrews 12:26

Heavenly Father, what a great and almighty God You are and yet we have sinned against You as individuals and as members of Your beautiful creation. Father I know that without the Lord Jesus as my Saviour I could never stand before Your awesome majesty and yet by grace through faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus my Saviour I can address You as Abba, Father and stand before Your throne.. for grace to find help in time of need. Thank You that in Christ I have been made a new creature and have been clothed in His righteousness. May I live to Your praise and glory, in Jesus name, AMEN.

Source: Verse of the day for Hebrews 12:26