Fath in Jesus

Reaching out to God When I'm Alone and Sick

Prayed for 20 time. I Prayed For This
Abba Father, I'm so tired and stressed that I love you but I'm trying to make it by myself, on a minute amount of money, I never thought it would be between eating and juggling bills. Send someone to help me clean up and keep Drs appt. I lay in bed all day, pain meds don't help. I may not see another Christmas! Let me have faith in Jesus you know what I mean, food, to get my balding head done and when I go to the hospital, we know I got to get this growth they think it's cancer, lots of people say they care. In the end Jesus You've always been there. Touch my swollen belly from my liver disease and I need a miracle. Jesus my sweet Jesus. I get stuck on calling your name, hope you don't mind. My stomach hurts so I must be honest, and say I honestly don't know if someone is going to pray for me, least of all strangers and now I'm having a pity party, I'm going for now. Ty I see this new day. Amen.
Ms Roma Matthews, Ms Shalom Matthews
Received: December 18, 2017

Pray for my daughter who abused drugs

Prayed for 50 time. I Prayed For This
Prayer To Heal Drug Addiction Heavenly Father, You are our God and Maker and I cry out to You in desperation.. to ask that You would help those that are trapped in the destructive web of drug addiction and pray that in Your grace and mercy You would help and heal all who are affected by this dependency upon drugs or medication. Reach out Your strong arm to lift them out of the miry clay I pray.. and release them from the trap into which they have become ensnared. Draw them into the arms of Jesus and convict them of their need for Him. Comfort all those that have loved ones who have become drug addicts and all who have been adversely affected by drug addiction – especially parents and spouses, children and those whose life has been negatively affected by this debilitating and destructive habit. Lord in Your grace we hand each and every one over to You and ask that in Your pity and mercy You would heal all who have become addicted to drugs and bring each one into a saving faith in Jesus Christ - in Whose name we pray, Amen
Received: November 21, 2017

Healing and financial blessings

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord I pray for my husband's knee.Tjat we can get him to have the surgery or scope that is needed to heal his knee.He is in alot of pain and I want to be able to help him.Help him to rest and take the burdens off his shoulders.Also pray that I am able to find a new job to help him financially that will not be as stressful as my last position.Pray that everything comes out good at the cardiologist visit and heal my body.I have great faith in Jesus and I know he is healing us now in Jesus name I. Pray.
Received: November 6, 2017

Restoring lungs

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Mary G. Flores need prayer for restpitory failure she is a woman of God and I put all my faith in Jesus that he going to heal her in due time.
Rosendo Reyes
Received: June 21, 2017

Take a Step Forward

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
I've been searching running hiding from myself for 4 years now. It's taking a toll on my whole being, I'm so lost, the only thing I cling to is my faith in Jesus. I have to be strong and make changes, even though I may have to leave some people behind. I need to get back to my kids dear lord, I must fight the ex and not back down. Please Forgive me my Selfishness and Unwillingness. I Love You King of All Kings, Amen.
Received: May 26, 2017

Lord save my brother from drugs

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear father I ask you today in the name of Jesus to deliver my kid brother from drugs, let him be convincted by the Holy Spirit, let the Holy Spirit arrest him and deliver him. Heal his soul,i decree he is seperated from anything that enables the act, and he is serving you. I also ask thou is sin is as red as scarlet, make him white as snow.. All the death trad the devil has plotted for him be destroyed and averted in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen... I ask Lord to give him a home, even as he is homeless now, I ask that the hold of drugs be brought to nothing in his life and that you will send your reaper angels to wait upon him, and send haverster his way, send his helpers of destiny to locate him,and Lord restore his Glory as the first son of the family. This i ask in faith in Jesus name, Amen.
Received: December 4, 2016


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Lord i praise your name and worship you everydays of my life for your protection, prayer answered. Lord I thank you and bless your name and may all glory belong to you, and it is written in James that reason why we do not get because we do not ask. Lord am asking seeking and knocking for all these as it is written in Matthew 7 v 7-8 through the Holy Spirit in Jesus Name Amen God I pray to you to gland my request with my expectation to you for to perfect it from now January to December ending 2016 in Jesus name Amen. God give me your kingdom and your righteousness to me for me to serve you in truth and in faith in Jesus name Amen. God i come to you to asked you to make me a voice in Adookon Nwanee family, extended relation and the world, that whatever i speak or say to them should be they command as it is written in the scripture that i should speak to mountain to move and it will moved. As am speaking to them let the sound of my voice change any situation that was hard, they should obey the sound of my voice and go according to my voice and let it perfect any wrong in their life to be right, God anoint my tongue and make my voice and the sound of my voice be known to devil and it shall not have peace until he obey it. Make my mouth speak blessing, prosperity, love and prophesy to people, your will to them and whatever I prophesy come to pass in people life so that more soul will be win to your kingdom by the Blood of Jesus our Lord Amen. God i pray that the Rivers state Government and any other person that own Adookon Nwanee money should pay to me Adookon Bariledum and once i met any person such as Gwezia Bani D in concern of my father document should process it without asking any money from me and the ministry of justice in Jesus name Amen. God make me Adookon Bariledum G. a voice of Adookon Nwanee family that whatever word I speak to them, my mother [Adookon Grace] my slibing [Adookon Goodluck, Adookon Barika and Baribiae Karabari] about my late father death benefit they should accept with me and my voice should be a command voice to them and my relative in Jesus name. And the ministries of justice should obey the sound of my voice and accept whatever I say to them in Jesus name amen. And they should pay to me Adookon Bariledum Geoffrey in Jesus Name Amen. God I rebuked any satanic delay behind the payment of late Adookon Nwanee death benefit and his money the bank have to me Adookon Bariledum by ministry of justice to be loose, any enemies that do any things to delay payment spiritually and physically may God touch them Gwezia Bani D to forward Adookon Nwanee J file for payment, the Accountant General and Administrator-General of Rivers state to see spiritually and physically the reason of paying the money to Adookon Bariledum as the next of kins as it is written in scripture Ruth 3v18b in Jesus name. May he/she bring out Adookon Nwanee file from where he/she kept it and attend to it before this month of Nov. 2016 end and asset to Adookon Bariledum. God I need Utibe Toby, Daniel destiny, Emmanuel Consider, Joy Imiete and others that duped me or borrow money from me (Adookon Bariledum)andI pray that God should touch them to reform my money back to me by paying it to my Bank account. in Jesus name we pray Amen.
Received: November 11, 2016

A prayer for my son that drinks to much alchohol

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
father lord I am a mother I have faith in jesus Christ I know that he will heal my son and take him out of this addiction I pray in Jesus name amen
dave mohansingh
Received: October 16, 2016

For my son David to trust God

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Prayer for my son he is in such distress nothing but bad things have happen for the last six month I pray for him to get close to God to understand that Jesu loves him and that no matter what the out come of all his problem God is with him that he could trust and have faith in Jesus name
Received: April 30, 2016