Prayer to Forgive Myself

Depression, loneliness and shame.

Prayed for 17 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord I don't know what to say to you this time because I keep coming to you about the same issues over and over. But who else knows Lord? Who understands everything about my life this far? Who else knows the good, bad and the ugly about me? I don't have anyone else to talk to Lord because I don't really have people that are very close to me. Lord I'm just tired! Tired of the hurt, pain, shame and guilt of my past and all it has done. I've lost so many things and people because of my wrong choices and now it had left me all alone. People see the outside but don't know how much pain and inner mental, spiritual, emotional and psychological pain I'm in on the inside. I read your word but I don't know many times if I'm the victim or convict. Many days go by and I just stay in my room until it's time for me to go to work or do something I HAVE to do. My sister who I live with is now married and has her own life and our relationship is estranged in more ways than one which causes a lot of my depression because I feel like an outsider and don't know how to fit in. I've caused her enough pain the past and so I just try to keep things very basic and stay away where I can. Our home is just like a space we share but a relationship is not there and this hurts to the core. I don't really have a fulfilling life per say and I'm alone and doing things alone most times. I don't like to burden other people and I fear if I truly let people in they would hate me and leave. Sometimes I just want to disappear from my miserable lonely life. It hurts so badly living this way day in and day out especially on weekends at home. I've been so depressed so long I didn't even realise that I would be buying things I didn't really need just to feel like someone inside. Now I have so many things in my home and I'm disgusted by them that I just want them gone. My mind keeps changing and racing especially when I have decisions to make and its like I'm in a mental rollercoaster and can't get off! I can't even stand myself most times that I just shut down and check out from "life" because I can't decide things. I just want the pain inside to go away. To give and receive love without fear. To come home to a real family life and not just a shared space. To have a great relationship with God. To be free to be me and not feel afraid or judged by my past mistakes. To have a clear, sound mindset and not want to take my life because of the constant battle in my head. To finally forgive myself. To find joy and purpose in myself once more. Amen......
Received: August 14, 2017


Prayed for 3 time. I Prayed For This
I ask God to work through me and through my body and thank Him for this healing now! I Ask and thank God for the grace and blessings in my body and my life now. I also ask for forgiveness if I inflicted pain and suffering onto others unconsciously. I ask for forgiveness from God and from those harmed. I ask that I forgive myself. Thank you! thank you for the assistance and support from God and the heavenly angels to move beyond limitations -to health and happiness now, to true and lasting love and a good husband or life partner now, especially MP. Thank you for helping me understand the lessons of my imperfect health so that I am free from it and can shine bright to help others. Thank you for Huge success and financial abundance from my art and writing and other sources now. Thank you for the vitality and energy and wellness to shine so bright I make the world a better place. Amen
Received: June 11, 2017


Prayed for 3 time. I Prayed For This
I ask God to work through me and through my body and thank Him for this healing now! I Ask and thank God for the grace and blessings in my body and my life now. I also ask for forgiveness if I inflicted pain and suffering onto others unconsciously. I ask for forgiveness from God and from those harmed. I ask that I forgive myself. Thank you! thank you for the assistance and support from God and the heavenly angels to move beyond limitations -to health and happiness now, to true and lasting love and a good husband or life partner now, especially MP. Thank you for helping me understand the lessons of my imperfect health so that I am free from it and can shine bright to help others. Thank you for Huge success and financial abundance from my art and writing and other sources now. Thank you for the vitality and energy and wellness to shine so bright I make the world a better place. Amen
Received: June 11, 2017

Prayer for forgiveness of my past

Prayed for 5 time. I Prayed For This
My Father in heaven. Please help me to forgive myself of all past transgressions. I know through Your death on the cross my sins have been forgiven. I pray for peace of mind and purity of my heart in which You dwell.
Received: April 19, 2017

Anger caused by sorrow

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Heavenly Father, loving Creator, I come to you on my soul's knees because I seek the healing and comfort only you can give. My soul is angry so often, I feel unloved and judged by those I trusted. I can only go to You because no one understands. I don't feel love for me anywhere. Send me the Angels you gave at birth, let the peace you want for my soul to come to me, I am weak and heavy-laden, I don't forgive myself for wrong doings but I ask that you let me know You can forgive me as I cannot forgive myself. My soul is full of love but when I give it I don't get it back. I had two pets I loved, one I abandoned and I am in anguish when I remember her, the other drowned and she was the only being I feel loved me unconditionally. I need your love to sustain me, I need to show others that I love them dearly so Your peace and love can be in their lives as well as mine. I need you Lord, I am so sad everyday, I need the joy of the Holy Spirit to let me see Your loving Light. Help me Lord, heal me from all that keeps me from being what you want me to be. You loved us Lord, you proved it by sending Jesus to die for our sins. Help me Lord...
Received: November 7, 2016

Save my life Lord!

Prayed for 4 time. I Prayed For This
Lord I have been battling mental illness for so long and I feel defeated and alone. Please help relieve my anxieties and fears and the voices that torment my mind. Free me from this anguis so I can live a life in peace and happiness. Help me to forgive myself and the people who have hurt me. Please heal the broken pieces in me so I can be free of the torment in my mind. Patiently waiting for your mercy
Received: June 9, 2016

Take away the anger my son carries then I can forgive myself

Prayed for 3 time. I Prayed For This
As I watch my handsome son becoming a man, I see many great things in him that I am so grateful to our lord Jesus Christ. The only thing that still hurts me to the core is what my addiction did to him. In those precious years when he needed me the most I was not there for him. The regrets I still carry is insurmountable. I see anger in him and at times seems so deep, I can feel it's from the dark years of my life where I hurt him so much. I pray to the Lord to take away his anger and replace it with your loving light and Peace. May he be able to let go the anger, have God in his heart and forgive me so he can be the upmost loving man that I hoped for my Sean the day he was born. Father, when I see that love in his eyes towards me again, the ones he offered me with so much as a young boy,then I will know he has forgiven me and with that, I will be able to forgive myself. In Jesus name, Amen Amen
Sophie M
Received: November 30, 2015

Help to forgive my cheating ex

Prayed for 3 time. I Prayed For This
Please pray that I can forgive my ex of 39yrs for treating me so badly and forgive myself for allowing him to do so and to move on in my life and to be rid of the feeling of rejection and hurt pride and allow him to be happy with my friend whom he left me for and pray for me to find happiness in my life Thankyou x
Jennifer Jones nee Eaves
Received: September 23, 2015

Anxiety and Depression

Prayed for 4 time. I Prayed For This
Lord please help to lift this depression and anxiety which overwhelms me at times. Please fill me with strength, peace of mind, and joy. I feel very lost and scared at times, even though I've been given so much to be grateful for in this life, I've let certain things beat me down to weariness and despair and can't seem to find peace.Please help me to love myself and enjoy life again and believe in my future joyfully. Please help me forgive myself and others for mistakes. I sometimes feel at a dead end. Please let me instead see this as a detour. I need clarity and peace of mind and renewed hope and strength, not just in and for this life, but in eternal life you promise. I also want to pray for all in this world which are dealing with their own struggles. Lord please help me get better so I can better help and be there for others. Thank you.
Received: September 1, 2015

I pray for peace of mind, broken heart, forgiveness

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Jehovah God I pray that you help me to find my way back to you, I pray that i can restore myself from the prison of Satan's world, I pray that you help me restore my faith in you I pray that you accept me back into your arms, I want to feel worth it, I pray that you help me me feel valuable in your eyes and among your people, I pray for forgiveness, for allowing myself to seek answers in dark ways of Satan's world, my desperation,pain, fears, and wounds led me to depression cause my body, mind,and soul got decided and I stumbled & fail, I failed you my Lord, because my faith wasn't strong enough to keep me balanced.I come to you in prayer because I realize that you're the only true God,the only one that knows even the deepest cell in me, the only one the knows me since the womb of my mother, you alone have the power To renew my heart, mind, and soul. I humble myself to you to ask you for your forgiviness because time after time I sinned against you, I did things that caused pain my father, I allowed jealousy,anger, hate, lies, immoralit, grudges to implant deeply in my heart, mind and soul, please forgive me my father, I pray that you purify me renew my body, and give me a new heart, I brought your name to shame when I should've carried with respect, pride, and should've been the example not the stumble stone. I pray that i can erase those painful pictures, and memories out of my mind, I pray that i learn to let go of things that IIinly cause me pain, I pray that i forgive myself and others, specially my enemies, I pray that i still wish the best even on my enemies, I pray that I allow my heart to find peace and my mind to rest. Dear God I pray that i can stand firm against Satan & his manipulations, I pray that I close any door I've opened that goes against your teachings, I pray for wisdom, I pray for a slower tongue, for a calmer heart, to be slow in anger, and to let go of my negative mind. Lord I come to you in prayer t o as for your guidens in my life, my decisions, my way of solving desagreements, I pray that you allow me to be s better mother caring loving, uplifting, understanding, and nurishin to my daughter. I pray for Chris and I so that we can go back together and love each other with healthy & healed hearts, I regret the action that led us to breakup & hurt each other, I pray that he forgives me& I forgive him, and I pray that I don't allow Satan and his enfluences to come between us, in any way that he could operate, I want true love and happiness dear Jehovah God, I want y o stop feeling like something snatches my happiness away because I know I I fully trust in you with all my heart and lean on you there's nothing he can do to destroy my home. I humbly pray for another chance in life Jehovah, I need you in my life s nd can't get nowhere safe without you and your guidens, you love me so much that gave the life of your son for me, help me understand the need of my spirituality, walking in the like, fallow Jesus my king steps, stay away from satan. I pray in the name of your son that gave his life for me, for us Amen
Received: August 31, 2015

To overcome

Prayed for 4 time. I Prayed For This
I pray that I can forgive myself and move forward without allowing my mistake to ruin my future.
Received: May 16, 2015

Change my life.. renewal

Prayed for 7 time. I Prayed For This
Father God, draw me back to you. May your spirit that dwells in me take control of my mind and body. My heart is yours, but my selfishness always wins. Father, I am scared of experiecing your chastising hand in my life. Please, Lord have mercy on me and bring me back to the fold gently. I love you for saving me from the grips of hell. Help me to live and walk as you have called me to. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. Help me to forgive myself and have faith in your promises. In Jesus name, amen
roselyn curtin
Received: October 21, 2014


Prayed for 135 time. I Prayed For This
Father God, draw me back to you. May your spirit that dwells in me take control of my mind and body. My heart is yours, but my selfishness always wins. Father, I am scared of experiecing your chastising hand in my life. Please, Lord have mercy on me and bring me back to the fold gently. I love you for saving me from the grips of hell. Help me to live and walk as you have called me to. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. Help me to forgive myself and have faith in your promises. In Jesus name, amen
Received: July 20, 2014