New Environment

Prayer to Sell Our House

Prayed for 36 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord, It says in the bible that when your children pray earnestly, that You Lord, Our Heavenly Father, is and will always be listening to us. Lord, we thank you for the happy memories which we have spent at this present house and ask for your blessings for us to move to a new environment. Lord, you know the situation we are in and we pray that you will bring abundant love and blessings into our lives in the interim. Lord, I ask that You grant us a prompt and smooth sale with the right buyer who will appreciate the goodness of this house. For months, Lord, I have prayed earnestly and sought your blessings in the sale of our house. Lord, although I cannot understand why you kept us waiting, I trust that You have everything well-planned for us. Lord, I pray that you provide us with the patience, faith, trust for the day where our prayer for the sale of our house will be answered. In His Most Powerful Name, Amen.
Received: January 14, 2018

I Seem To Be All Alone In The World

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
I need some changes to occur in my life. I live in the Pacific Northwest and I'm miserably unhappy. I want to relocate to Hawaii. I want to get away from my very toxic Mother. I am mentally ill myself I suffer from psychiatric, emotional problems however I want to learn a trade, then get a job or attend school in Hawaii. I have no family or friends, Pacific Northwest is hostile, racist. I'm African American and want to move to a less hostile environment I don't care how expensive or how much penny pinching I have to do I ask God to help me. I am 55 years old, on disability. I am also a military vet discharged many years ago. Please ask God to uproot me into a better environment. I know what I want I just need help in attaining it. The devil is too much alive in my Mother who says she reads the bible but hasn't changed much in her behavior so I don't trust her. I need to go so that I can possibly make friends & have a new life & who knows perhaps meet someone very special I can't get that here. Thank you
Received: June 27, 2017

Pray for selling of home because it is destroying marriage

Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Please Lord, help us to sell our home at a fair market value. We had one deal fall through, a shooting down the street, and now a large company is laying off thousands of people. I'm grateful for having a roof over my head and relocating us to a better environment. We still need to get buyers in so we can be more financially stable. This sale is especially hurting my husband because he bought the house when he was single and we have dropped the price several dollars lower then what he had paid for it. I would like for him to come out of this with a positive selling price and sell the house as is. Please God in your infinite wisdom and for love of your people please help us with this intention. I know and believe you are the true Father, Christ and Holy Spirit. In faith and love, Pam
Received: January 10, 2016

Thanking Jesus for his mercies and grace for my daughter and her new job

Prayed for 3 time. I Prayed For This

I want to give all the honor and glory to Jesus Christ for blessing my daughter with her new job, she will start very soon. I prayed and asked God to bless her with a new environment with new people who will encourage her and lead her in the right path, which is accepting Jesus Christ as her Lord and savior, and living a life which is always right,and pleasing in the sight of God. Thank You Jesus.

Received: October 8, 2013