God love for us

Prayer for my Children

Prayed for 6 time. I Prayed For This
Heavenly Father of Love and Mercy I pray in Jesus name , the name above all names that my children would be redeemed and restored to the full grace which you intended for them. I pray that their minds be renewed daily and transformed by Your Spirit. I thank You that you have kept them all safe this far and pray that they will always be safe in Your Hands and remain steadily under the protective shadow of your wings. Thank you Lord for Your provision. I pray my husband and children come to know the depth of your love for us and see Your power and Your strength working in our lives. I pray that they hear Your whispers and listen to You as You call them closer to You and into the future which you planned for them, a future of hope. I pray the strongholds that have snuck into their minds be blown apart by your Goodness and Faithfulness, that as their enemies are diminished and destroyed that their house be filled to overflowing with Truth, Wisdom , and they clothe themselves with love. I pray that we as a family learn and practice forgiveness. I pray we will stand strong as a family as overcomes as more than conquerors. I pray that we know humility and when we come to you with a contrite heart you forgive us. I pray their future friends and families will be believers and good workers. I pray against sickness disease death, mishaps, accidents, and attacks from the dark side, that the Word and Heavenly Host would camp around us all and we would not fear but continue Day by day with power, love, and a strong mind. In Jesus Name I pray.
Received: September 6, 2017


Prayed for 1 time. I Prayed For This
Heavenly Father, I humbley come to you through my Lord Jesus Christ. I know Father you have seen our struggles and hardships because of the purchase of our house. It's made us very unhappy and financially crippled. We are ready and willing to move where you will direct us Father. We believe in your love for us through the sacrifice of your son Jesus our Lord and King. Thank you for what you have blessed us with to this day. Father I ask your blessing to sale our home, and to find a good humble family to buy it. We have been saddened because not one person has come forward yet. I know That I serve and love you Father but there's times I feel unworthy to receive your countless blessings. May I humbley ask you to help us sale our house so that we may be set free from this financial burden we are stricken with right now. It's so hard Father but I have endured it only because of your love for us. You have blessed us God but now we are ready to step down and live within our means. Forgive us our sins and have mercy upon us as we struggle daily. But we will never stop praising and glorifying you for our lord Jesus. Please find us that buyer and let it just be fair to everyone that will be involved. We need your special blessing now because we have very little time. And because we know that whatever your will be done we will honor that. We just ask for your kind of blessing to make this situation better for us. We love you and praise you and we pray to you Father, only through my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Received: May 8, 2016

Devine Intervention in our Marriage

Prayed for 2 time. I Prayed For This
I thank you God for your mercies and kind love for us in all the trials and tribulation we pssed through and still passing,Our Marriage has been under evail attack for the past 16 years, Satan has robbed us of our children. i pary God you will see us through. I forgive myself of my past sins, and forgive my husband also, I ask Oh God forgive us, You are faithful, clearns us with the blood of the Lamp, restore our love, restore everything that the devial have stollen from us, our children, our prosperity, our Joy and peace in Jesus name Amen.
Roda Wajo
Received: April 20, 2016

A prayer for myself and others

Prayed for 3 time. I Prayed For This
Heavenly Father, Thank You for your gift of grace in your Son Jesus Christ, our Blessed Redeemer and Atoning Sacrifice for our sins, help us to have an increase in faith and trust in You and Your love for us. Help us to love You with all our hearts, minds, souls, and strength and love each other according to Thy Will. Heal our hearts and clear our hearts of any idols. Please deliver us from the desire to smoke cigarettes and restore our physical bodies to good health as if we never smoked cigarettes in our lives. Forgive us for all our sins and all the ways that we have ever offended you, remove the effects of our sins from us and our lives as far as the east is from the west. Let us feel your tender mercies every morning and fully repented of cigarette smoking. May your Holy Spirit fill us with all the fruits of the spirit and renew our minds. Remove the spirit of addiction from us and put in us a clean spirit of love instead. Lord, make us clean for Your glory. Let us not be hindered in our walk with You and in serving You. Let us desire in our hearts Your Will for our lives. Give us wisdom and understanding. Let us bring You glory in all areas of our lives for you are The Way, The Truth and The Life and in You there is no darkness, remove the darkness from us, heal our brokenness and protect us from the evil one. Heavenly Father, let us be strong in our faith and confident in Your truth. All the praise and glory goes to You, in the Name of Jesus, Amen.
Lisa Latvis
Received: April 3, 2016


Prayed for 3 time. I Prayed For This
Father I thank you for the lives of all those believing you for a miracle. Lord you have made us understand that our minds cannot comprehend what you have for those who love you. I pray for a divine touch in the lives of those who need you. Father open doors no one can shut. Let your rains of opportunity fall on your children oh Mighty God. Give us hope when all we see is darkness. And Sweet Holy Spirit grant us inner peace and supernatural glory and favour wherever we are. We thank most gracious Father for the gift of life and for your unending love for us. In Jesus name we pray. AMEN
Received: February 16, 2016

Prayer to endure the hard times together

Prayed for 3 time. I Prayed For This
Gracious and loving God, I offer up all the challeneges that my significant other and I face. And I cry out to you that if it truly be Your holy will, we come out the other side stonger than ever both loving and faith wise, TOGETHER. May you guide us through these trying times and may we never forget about Your unconditionl love for us. I offer this prayer on behalf of all those who are facing obstacles in their relationships. May we never grow weary in seeking out Your face Lord. In Jesus name we pray, Amene.
Received: December 15, 2015