Prayer Of Support To Those Overwhelmed

Loving Lord and Heavenly king, I want to lift up some dear friends of mine that are going through much grief at the moment and are finding it so difficult to come to terms with all that has taken place in the last few days. 

I humbly ask that You would come to them and provide the comfort they need to come to terms with all that has happened. Give them the strength to face the reality that things will never be as they were.

Lord, I know that their grief seems to be overwhelming them and I am hurting for them, and do not know what to do to help – and so I am coming to You to in prayer, to ask that You will meet each of them at their point of need and help them to turn to You at this sad time.

I pray that as the day passes, Your healing touch will comfort and succour them in this time of distress and may this be a thing that causes each of them to draw closer to You, knowing that You alone can heal the broken-hearted and bring joy out of pain.

Thank You, Lord, for being there for me and into Your hands I place each one of these dear ones who have such sadness in their hearts. I know in Whom I believe, and am confident that You will bring good out of this situation. To You be all the praise and glory,
