Prayers for Our Country

Intercession For Our Land

Dear God, I pray You will be put in Your rightful position in this country. Give the leaders of this nation the wisdom and integrity to lead our nation in the best direction. Give each one discernment I pray, when making decisions or drawing up the legislation and laws that they pass. And may the decisions that they reach be godly and wise.

As the days become increasingly dark in our country, I pray that the light of Your love will shine on this land. May peace reign in our nation and protect us from those that would seek our downfall, I pray.

I really thank You that you have placed me in this land and I am grateful that I am a citizen of this nation. Thank You, Lord, for my country. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For The Leaders Of All Nations

Lord, I come to You today to pray for the nations of the world and their leaders and governors. Whether a nation is governed by a king or queen, a prince or president, a prime minister or some other form of governance, we pray for each one, that they may fulfil Your plans and Your purposes, in whatever they do, in their lands.

I ask Your blessing on those that are seeking to follow Your ways and I pray for Your pity and mercy on those that are deliberately defying You as the Creator God.

Lord, I know that You are the One that places rulers in their high positions of honour, and You are also the one that removes leaders from their elevated perches. I pray that in Your grace and mercy, You would look down on the nations of the world and intervene with those that are severely oppressing their own people.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord and whether at a national level or in local governance, I pray Your blessing on those men and women that are seeking to follow Your way, as they implement their authority. I also know, Lord, that the opposite is true and that those who defy the living God will come to no good.

Have pity Lord, and convict the leaders of our nations to turn to You. Protect the people that are having to live in nations with a corrupt or evil government. And may the Lord Jesus Himself return very soon to set up His perfect kingdom in this world, when the earth will be filled with a true knowledge of You. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Our Own Nation

Lord, I pray for our nation and ask that You would look down on us in pity and mercy. Forgive us for the way that we have turned our backs on You in so many ways and bring us back as a people who seek to follow the ways of justice and peace.

Keep our land free from war and aggressions, from winds and earthquakes, from fear and confusion, and from other things that can cause hurt and fear and confusion. May we as a nation turn to You and call out to You in the day of trouble.

Be close to all our leaders and governors and give them wisdom and discernment as they rule this nation. May the decisions that they make be wise, and Lord, I pray that our nation would turn to You for Your wisdom and Your strength.

Be with all those that are oppressed and downtrodden and especially those that do not know You as their Saviour. May there be many that come to know You as their Saviour in this my country. I pray that the gospel may one day be preached in this land from shore to shore, openly and truthfully. Keep us from compromising Your Word of truth. Restore to this nation the joy of Your salvation and bring many to a faith in the Lord Jesus as Saviour. I pray in His name, 


Prayer The Freedom In My Country

Loving Father, I thank You that I have been privileged to grow up in this country, and although many of our standards are being eroded, I thank You that for so long we have enjoyed the liberty and blessings we have received from Your hand in this land.

Thank You for the for my country Lord, for my family and friends and the freedom that we have enjoyed up to now. Keep Your hand on this my nation and give our leaders wisdom to see Your ways and to look to You for the direction that we, as a nation, need to go. But also Lord, help me to hold to the things of this world lightly, knowing that my true citizenship is in heaven, as part of Your heavenly kingdom.

Provide for those that are in need, feed those that are hungry, comfort those that are sorrowing, heal those that are sick and bring those that do not know You as their Saviour into a close and personal walk with Yourself. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Revival In Our Land

Loving Lord Jesus, it saddens me to see the way that the gospel of Jesus Christ is being so compromised in our land. As a nation we seem to have moved so far from the true gospel of grace and our churches and fellowships seem to be embracing many alternative and compromised teachings that are not true to Your Word.

Revive this land I pray. Stir up the hearts of those that have come to trust in Jesus Christ, but who have been enticed to follow a different gospel or who have chosen to walk the way of compromised. Let those that are Your blood-bought children, be stirred in their hearts to seek the truth and to draw ever closer to the Lord Jesus. And Lord, for those who once trusted You but have now wandered far away, I pray that You will speak to their hearts, revive their spirit and draw them back into close fellowship with Yourself. Revive this land, I pray. In Jesus' name,


South Africa

Prayed for 28 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Heaveanly Father we pray for South-Africa. We pray that you will heal this land. We pray that you will forgive us our sins and the sins of our forefathers we break every curse that was brought unto SA due to our forefathers sin. We declare victory for SA in Jesus Name Amen. (so it shall be)

Received: June 17, 2014