Prayer for Jeremiah 1:8

“Do not be afraid of anyone, for I will be with you to deliver you. [This is] the Lord's declaration.”

Praying through Jeremiah 1:8

Heavenly Father, thank You that there is nothing in heaven or earth, of which to be afraid. Thank You that You are with me and have promised to deliver me from all forms of evil and to protect me, and those I love, from all that would do me harm, just as You did with Jeremiah, and other men of God, who trusted Your name. Thank You for the witness of people like Jeremiah, whom You equipped as a mighty man of God, yet was attacked on all sides. Thank You that Your promises to him stood fast throughout his lifetime, just as they do for your people today. Thank You that You are my Defence and my Deliver, through time and into eternity. This I pray in Jesus' name, AMEN.

Source: Verse of the day for Jeremiah 1:8