Prayer for Isaiah 29

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Praying through Isaiah 29:14

Heavenly Father, thank You for the incredible message of the Cross and for giving me an understanding of the staggering truth that God, in the Person of Jesus Christ, came to earth to live and die as a man. By grace through faith in Him I have been saved and am being conformed into the likeness of Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank You that the Holy Spirit lives in me and guides all those who trust in You into all truth. Praise Your holy name! AMEN.

“Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.”
(Isaiah 29:14)
Source: Verse of the day for Isaiah 29:14