Prayers on Confession

Prayer Of Confession of Sins

Dear God, all my life I have been running from You and pretending that I was good enough to get to heaven and that there was no need for me to worry about sin, because there are so many people who are worse sinners than me.

And yet, I realise that I am as much a sinner as every other person, and as much in need of a Saviour as every man or woman that has ever been born. I realise that all sin is equally bad in Your eyes and the punishment for sin is spiritual death and separation from You for all eternity.

Lord, I humbly kneel before You and confess my pride and foolishness, I admit I am a sinner in thought, word and deed and in desperate need of the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ, as my Saviour.

Father, I confess that it is only through the blood of the Lord Jesus that my sins can be forgiven, for now I believe and know that Jesus Christ died to pay the price for my sins, to forgive me of my sins, to break the power of sin in my life and to clothe me in His righteousness. Thank You, Father, for this free gift of grace, and thank You for pursuing me when I was running from you in my pride. Thank You in Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Confession To God For A Prodigal

Heavenly Father, my sins are as scarlet and my heart has been bloodied and bruised. I feel that I have lost the right to be called Your child. I have spent so much of my life pleasing myself with little concern for the feelings of others. I know that I have done so many things that are displeasing to You, but also I have not done anything that is right in Your eyes.

Lord, I confess my foolish pride and my selfishness and I ask for Your forgiveness. Lord, You promised in the Bible that even though my sins are scarlet, that You would wash them clean through the blood of Jesus Christ. Please forgive me Lord, for I know that in everything I have sinned against You and You alone.

Father, as I read through the parable of the prodigal son, I feel that like that prodigal, I have lost all right to be called Your child, and yet like the father in the story, You have bestowed on me over and above all that I could ask or imagine, and it is all an amazing gift of Your grace.

Thank You, Lord, for forgiving me and for remaining faithful to me, even when I became faithless and foolish towards You. Thank You that when I wandered far away, Your desire was for my penitent return into Your arms.

I pray that from this day forward and in Your strength I may learn to live the life that You would have me live, and behave towards You in a manner that honours Your glorious name. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Confessional Prayer Before God

Thank You, Father God, that I have not to attend a confessional box, or confess my sins to a priest or pastor, but that by Your grace I can come right into Your throne-room and confess my sins directly to You, for I am Your child and have been born into Your family and made a new creation in Christ.

Thank You my Father, that I have been saved and by grace I have been forgiven, for by Your grace I am a child of God, and by grace I have been granted access into Your very presence, to confess my sins before You on bended knee and to lift up my hand in holy worship for You alone are worthy.

Thank You, Lord, that I do not have to do penance, but that You have promised that if we confess our sins and wrong-doings to You, You are faithful and just to forgive us all our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Thank You, Lord, that I may fly to Your feet when I have wronged You, in the knowledge that You are ready and willing to cleanse all those that seek You with a repentant heart, and a decision to walk worthy of our position in Christ Jesus.

Thank You for the freedom I have in You, and I pray that You would keep me from sin and deliver me from the temptation of sin, for I desire to live godly in Christ Jesus, to the praise of Your holy name.


Help Me To Live Today

O God, help me to live today. I have had my yesterdays and some were not so good. What happened yesterday cannot be changed, but I can be changed.

Breathe upon me, O God, and grant me the courage to sincerely strive to be the person I know I should be, that in so being, I might gain the peace I seek. Help me to live today the way You would have me live, in Your will and to Your praise and glory. In Jesus’ name,


Help Me Walk With Transparency

O God, I confess that I want some things from life that are really not mine to have. I confess also that some of the wants that I have experienced have been so strong that they would fall under the classification of “lusts” or strong desires of the flesh.

Forgive me, O God, and help me to walk with transparency to you and to those around me. 

You have always been honest with me, O God. Help me to be as honest with myself, with others and above all, O God, with you. I pray this in Jesus' name,


Prayer Confessing My Need Of A Saviour

Lord God, I come to You to simply to place my sins before You one by one, and ask that in Your grace You would forgive me all my sins, every one of them, whether it was a wrong thought, a careless word a selfish motive or a sinful action. Whether it was due to something grievous that I did, or something that I should have done, but have omitted to do.

Lord, I do confess my need of Jesus Christ as My Saviour, for I acknowledge that there is no one else Who is good enough to pay the price for sin and by Your love and grace You have opened the flood-gates of Your cleansing blood for me. You washed every one of my sins clean away, removing them as far as the east is from the west, for which I praise and worship You in time and through eternity.

Thank You for dying for my sins and for taking the punishment that I justly deserved. Thank You for being the “Sin-Bearer”, and redeeming me from the miry clay and setting my feet on the Rock of my salvation. Thank You for loving me so much that You sent Jesus Christ, Your only begotten Son to suffer and to die for me.

Lord, the enormity of His sacrificial death has kept on hitting me as I have come to a deeper understanding of what the sacrifice of His perfect life meant for You. I praise and worship You for such amazing love, and I doubt that in either time or eternity we will every fully comprehend what this cost You. Thank You Father God. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Thanks For Sins Forgiven

Father, my heart kneels before You in grateful thanks and praise for I have sinned and done so many things that do not deserve Your love or forgiveness and I confess that I have rejected Your free gift of salvation, simply because I could not understand in my mind how anyone could die for my sins, especially the Creator of the earth and God of the Universe. I confess Lord, that I turned my back on You through ignorance and pride and yet in Your love You sought me out.

Thank You, Lord, that there is no sin that I have committed that cannot be forgiven by You and there is nothing hidden on my guilty past that cannot be cleansed and healed by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Lord, I desire that You unlock my heart and even cleanse me of those hidden sins which I thought were too gross to merit Your forgiveness, and which I have suppressed from my conscious memory.

But I confess all my sins before You and believe that by Your sacrificial death and glorious resurrection, I have been forgiven of my sins and released from powerful hold that sin had over my life. Thank you that by grace through faith, I been set free from all guilt and am no longer under Your condemnation, but I am now a child of God, accepted in the Beloved. Thank You, in Jesus' name,


Fair Judgement

Prayed for 15 time. I Prayed For This
Lord, grant me the power of strength and courage to face the problem that I am suffering right now. Let your infinite goodness shower me with your love to go through this tribulations and anxieties. Fair justice be accorded to me according to your will. It was an honest mistakes Lord and I regret what happened. You were there when it happened and you know that my conscience is clear Lord. Please help me overcome this problem. This I ask from you oh Lord Jesus Christ your only Son. Amen.
Ann Salvador
Received: October 5, 2013