Prayers for Repentance in the Church

Prayer Of Deep Repentance

Lord God, You alone are worthy to be praised for You have created us by Your mighty power, redeemed us by Your precious blood, and You hold all things together.

Lord, I know that I have sinned against You and have acted in rebellious and wicked ways, by turning away from Your commandments and ignoring the truths that are contained throughout the Scripture for my instruction, training in righteousness and well-being.

I have not listened to Your Word and have turned aside from Your voice. I have ignored Your many calls to holiness and I stand before You poor and wretched, naked and ashamed.

Lord God, according to Your grace and mercy, I ask for Your forgiveness. Keep Your promise to me, Your child I pray, and wash away my many sins. Help me to put the past behind me and enable me to walk into the future with a desire to do Your will and to live godly in Christ Jesus.

Thank You, Lord, that Your mercies are new every morning. Thank You that even though I have been so faithless towards You, You have remained faithful towards me. Cleanse my heart from within I pray, and renew a right spirit within me. May I walk in holiness and righteousness from this day forward. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Of Faith, Repentance And Salvation

Loving Lord Jesus, You have loved me even though I have not loved You. I admit that I am a sinner and I know that there is no other way to have my many sins forgiven except through Your blood, that was shed at Calvary.

I believe that You died for me and that You took all the punishment for my sins that I justly deserve. Lord, I repent of all my sins and pray that You would forgive me all my trespasses.

Please come into my life. I receive You as my Saviour for You promised that as many as receive You and believe on Your name, You will give the right to become sons of God. Lord, I believe and want to follow You as My Lord and Saviour, from this day forward.

Thank You for hearing my prayer. In Jesus' name,


For The Church To Come Back To You

Dear Heavenly Father, You are a great and awesome God Who has loved us with an everlasting love and has sent the Lord Jesus to be the propitiation for our sins. You have raised us up and seated us together with Christ in heavenly places.

Even with this great inheritance, the church has fallen into such apostacy and many of your blood bought children have fallen into sin.

Father, You gave us Your Word of truth and we have turned aside from its truth and are teaching or practising another gospel, which must grieve Your Spirit. We have not taken to heart the beautiful scripture that You have given to us for our learning and encouragement, but have left our first love to drink out of the cisterns of the world. There seems to be no health in the Body of believers.

Forgive us Lord, for the way that we as a body have turned from You and adopted so many of the world’s false philosophies and it's destructive thinking. We have not loved You as You deserve, we have not delighted in Your Word and we have neglected the beautiful truths and instructions that are contained in its pages. We have become selfish and careless in our attitudes to others and to You, and there is no health in us. Forgive us Lord.

I pray that as a body we would turn from all that is evil, all that is not of You, all that discredits Your name, all that grieves Your Holy Spirit, and return to the truth of Your holy Word.

May we once again come back to You. May we love You with all our heart and soul and mind, separating ourselves from the world, and placing the Lord Jesus in His rightful position in our lives. I pray that we may once again show forth Your praises and glory, not only with lips but in our lives, by giving up ourselves daily to You and by walking in newness of life, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Repenting And Dependence

Dear Lord Jesus, I confess my sins. I confess that I am a sinner and that I need You in my life. I turn to You in repentance and ask You to forgive my many sins. I have not lived as I should and I have not loved You as You deserve.

I believe that You came to earth to live the life of a man, that is completely dependent upon God, and in so doing to demonstrate to us all what it truly means to walk in spirit and truth.

Lord, it is my desire to learn to live my life in full and total dependence on You, surrendered in body soul and spirit, in the same way that You lived Your life in full and total dependence upon the Father.

Thank You, Lord, for dying as my substitute so that I might live the life that You created me to live, in utter dependence on God. Thy will be done in my life I pray, and I ask that in Your strength I may live as unto the Lord, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name.


Prayer Of Repentance And Acceptance

Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me. Thank You for sending Your only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to die on the cross to pay the price for my sins. Thank You, that You did not turn away from mankind when through sin and rebellion we turned away from You and sought to live independently of You. Thank You for not giving up on the human race and thank You Father, for not giving up on me.

Father, I admit that I am a sinner and have no right to approach Your holy Presence, except in and through the blood of Jesus Christ Who died to pay the price for my sins. I repent of all the wrong deeds that I have carried out in my body and all the lustful thoughts that I have committed in my mind.

Father, I admit that there is no goodness in me, except that which comes from the Lord Jesus Christ. I want to stop going my own way, trying to live my life without You and I want to turn back to Christ Jesus, Who paid the price for my sins. Father, I pray that I may learn to live in complete dependence upon Him, for I know that it is only in Him that I can live a godly life

Thank You, that You are a forgiving God, long-suffering and of great goodness. Thank You, for forgiving my sins and may I walk in newness of life from this day forward. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Many would be saved

Prayed for 5 time. I Prayed For This

I pray for my church here in San Fernando Pampanga. May we grow into maturity.and to have more open ministry study,outreaches,and that many to be saved.

Sister Danah
Received: October 29, 2013

Church Building

Prayed for 10 time. I Prayed For This
We continually pray until we can get the government permit about our church building. They rejected us.
Received: October 7, 2013