Prayers for New Beginnings

Prayer When Beginning A New Job

Dear God, praise Your name that I have been so blessed to be invited to start this new job, and I thank You that You have heard my prayers. Lord, I am excited about the prospect of starting at this new place of work and I ask that You would prepare me in every way for the challenges that lie ahead. Lord, I know that we are called to do everything in life as, “unto the Lord” and although in the past I have not always done so, I pray that as I take up this new position, You would help me to live and work in a way that truly honours You.

Lord, I don’t know what the people will be like that I will be working alongside, but I pray that You would use me to be salt and light in this new position. And Lord, I also pray that by Your grace there may be one or two work colleagues who know and trust You. Lord, I know that in everything we should praise and thank You, and so I praise and thank You Lord, for the provision of this new job. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Beginning A New School

Dear Lord Jesus, we are moving to a different place and I am going to have to start at a new school and leave all my friends and the familiar places that I liked. I don’t really want to move and feel a bit uneasy about having to make a completely new start in completely different surroundings. Lord, please take away this feeling of insecurity and fear, and I pray that You will be with me as I start this new school.

Help me to fit in and make some good friends, and help me as I adjust to the new surroundings and different teachers and styles of teaching. Lord, I pray that You will bring some good Christian friends into my life that are supportive and encouraging. And help me I pray, to be able to deal with all the new course work that I have to deal with May I work hard and settle in quickly and easily.

Thank You, that You have promised to be with me no matter where we go. Help me to place my trust in You completely and trust You in all things, for in You I have my trust. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Guidance In A Lifestyle Change

Heavenly Father, I feel that I am stepping out onto the threshold of a completely new beginning with a total change in my lifestyle. Lord, I know that this is a wonderful opportunity that You have graciously opened up for me and I pray that You would be with me to lead and guide, as I seek to become accustomed to so many changes in my life.

I pray that You would remain ever close to me, and that I do not stray far from Your side or become lukewarm in my attitude towards the things of God. Help me to keep my eyes firmly fixed on Jesus and to trust all I say and do into Your capable hands. Provide I pray, all that I need to carry out the tasks and duties that I am called upon to do with grace and courage, and I pray that my joy would be firmly fixed in Jesus and that I may be strengthened with all power from above. In Jesus' name I pray,


Offer Myself Anew Today

O God, today I offer myself anew upon the altar and pray as one prayed of old, “Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.”

He seemed to acknowledge that his faith was too weak. What he had was good but he desired a stronger faith.

So I pray today for a faith that will not falter, a faith that does not need to see.

Lord, as I offer myself anew today, help my faith grow stronger. In Jesus' name,


Prayer At The Beginning Of A New Day

Thank You, Lord, for bringing me safely through another night and into the beginning this new day that You have made. Lord, I have no clue what today will bring, but I pray that this may be a day when you are lifted up in my life, a day when I walk in spirit and truth. Prepare me Lord, for all the eventualities that may happen. Help me to stand fast and to be salt and light to all those with whom I come in contact

Lord, I place today in Your hands and trust You to direct my day until I place my head back onto my pillow of sleep. I ask that whether in busyness or in quietude, Your will be done. Whether I am surrounded by crowds of people or remain in the solitude of my own company, I ask that You would be there to direct and govern. I pray that the words of my mouth and the meditations of my inner being, would be pleasing and acceptable to You throughout today, and may Your will be done in my life to Your honour and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer At the Beginning Of A New Year

Thank You, Lord, for the beginning of a new year and as we step out into the unknown future, we pray that You would be with us, leading and guiding us, teaching and drawing us ever closer to each other and to Yourself. Thank You that Your steadfast love never ceases and that Your mercies are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness, O Lord.

Father, we know that these times in which we live are becoming fraught with difficulties and increasingly stressful, and yet Father our hope is in You, for You are our faithful God Who has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. Father, as we step onto the threshold of a new year, with it's inevitable problems and pain, I place my hand into Yours Lord, and trust You to lead me along the right way that I should go, for I know Father that there is no safer place to be than walking in fellowship with You.

As we step out into the unknown future, I offer my life a living sacrifice to You. May I be used for Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Of Thanks For My New Life In Christ

Dear Heavenly Father, my heart is full of joy and thanksgiving that I have trusted in Jesus as my Saviour. Thank You, Lord, that you died to pay the price for my sins. Thank You, that You went to the cross for me and took all the punishment that I deserve. Thank You, that You forgave me of my sins as a free gift of Your amazing grace. I praise and thank You for coming to earth as a Man and living a perfect life so that You could become the sacrifice for sin, the sacrifice for my sin, without which I would have remained dead in my trespasses and without hope in the world.

There are no words that are adequate to explain my thanks and praise to You. But Lord, I thank You for this new beginning, this fresh start when I can step out into the world, knowing that I have been saved and have been accepted into Your family as a child of God. Lord, I want to learn more and more about You and ask that day by day, You would open up my eyes to see You and my ears to hear You. Open up the scripture so that I may come to a deeper knowledge of You.

Thank You, Lord. Thank You for being my Father, and thank You for my new life in Christ which I have received by grace through faith. Thank You, that nothing can ever separate me from Your love, and thank You that I have an assurance that I will one day see You in heaven and know You, even as I am known. In Jesus' precious name,


Thanks For New Beginnings And Fresh Starts

Thank You, Lord, that You are with us to lead and to guide throughout our earthly walk. Thank You, that You open up doors of opportunity for us, when other doors slam shut, or at times when we feel that we have reached a dead end in our lives. Thank You, for giving me this opportunity, this new beginning, and I pray that You would be with me as I seek to adjust to my new situation and surroundings.

I pray Lord, that this is not only a new beginning but a fresh start where You become a central and increasingly important part of all I do, knowing that in and of myself I can do nothing, but that I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me. Give me the courage to step out into the unknown, holding tightly to Your hand, knowing that You have scheduled every step of my life and have promised to guide my every step, as I look to Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith.

Into Your hand I place this new beginning, and thank You that in Your strength this may be a fresh start that begins and continues with You. In Jesus' name I pray,


A end of being homeless and jobless

Prayed for 119 time. I Prayed For This
Lord hear my prayer, for I feel weak and broken down, the life I knew have been good times and bad ones. I pray that the new year bring better new things that are nothing but blessings from you! I need thee, oh Lord I need thee....
Jimmy Witherspoon
Received: December 31, 2014