Prayer for 1 Timothy 4:2

“through the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are seared.”

Praying through 1 Timothy 4:2

Heavenly Father, I realise how important it is to have a thorough and correct understanding of the Word of God, for without it, I am vulnerable to apostate teachers and the wiles of the enemy who delights to shipwreck the faith of believers and render their lives powerless and unfruitful. Help me to be a vigilant student of Scripture, and give me discernment to detect any attacks of the enemy in my life or the lives of other believers. I pray for protection over vulnerable Christians who may be deceived by the hypocritical lies of apostate teachers, and I pray that in Your grace, You would raise up men who will stand firm on God’s Word and speak the truth in love. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

Source: Verse of the day for 1 Timothy 4:2