Prayer for John 3:5

“Jesus answered, "I assure you: Unless someone is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.”

Praying through John 3:5

Heavenly Father, thank You for my life and for all that it means to be born into the human race. But more than that, I thank You, Father, that Your Holy Spirit convicted me of my sin, of Christ's righteousness, and of the terrible condemnation that will befall all who have not believed in the Son of God for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting. Thank You that I have been born of the Spirit and washed clean by Christ's precious blood. Thank You for sending Jesus to be the propitiation for my sin. Look down in pity on all whose hearts are crying out for the truth - just as Nicodemus did when he came to Jesus by night and discovered that it is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, that we can enter the kingdom of heaven and live with You in the eternal ages to come. Praise His holy name, AMEN.

Source: Verse of the day for John 3:5