Prayer for 2 Timothy 2:13

“if we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.”

Praying through 2 Timothy 2:13

Heavenly Father, thank You that Your Word is true and lays out both the glories of our union with Christ and warnings against carnality, disobedience, and unfaithfulness by living our Christian life in a way that dishonours You. Thank You that I have been justified by faith, and I pray that I may become progressively sanctified and I keep my old sin nature in the place of death. Help me to die to my own desire and live for Christ and to present my life as a living sacrifice that is holy unto the Lord. Thank You for my great salvation, and I pray that when I stand before the judgement seat of Christ, I may receive rewards for faithful endurance in this world through a life that honours You. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

Source: Verse of the day for 2 Timothy 2:13