Prayer for Philippians 4:6

“Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.”

Praying through Philippians 4:6

Dear Lord, thank You that You know all things and that You know everything about me. Thank You that You hold today in Your hand and my future is secure in You. Thank You that I can cast all my cares upon You, for You care for me. Keep me from anxious thoughts and help me to train my mind on Jesus for I want to depend on You in all things, not only today but in the days that lie ahead. This I pray in Jesus' name, AMEN.

Source: Verse of the day for Philippians 4:6

Prayer To Be Anxious For Nothing

Lord, You have told us in Your Word to be anxious for nothing, and I know in my heart that I am anxious about lot of things. And what is worse, I pretend to others that I am not worried, when in fact I am anxious about everything. I know such striving is not Your will for my life and I pray Lord, that You will show me how I may live my life resting on Your promises of peace and rest.

You said in Your Word not to be anxious, but pray instead about everything and to talk to You about what I need. You told me also to have a thankful heart for all that You have done in my life. Lord, I am coming to You this very moment to tell You that I long to stop being so anxious and to ask that in Your grace You would keep me from all anxious thoughts, and give me Your peace that passes understanding.

I also pray that You will help me to keep my mind fixed on Jesus, so that when any anxious imaginings starts to surface in my mind, I may immediately turn my thoughts onto You, and thank You for all that You have done for me, and for the many promises that are all Yes and Amen in Jesus Christ.

Thank You, that You are a God who listens to our heart cry and answers our prayers. In Jesus' name,


Category: Prayers for Anxiety